
CAC in the Fire Pump System business!

Fire Pump System designed and installed by CAC Industrial Equipment


CAC Industrial Equipment is the first place to call for Fire Pump Systems. Our experts will design the system that fits your needs.

As part of your fire sprinker system, a fire pump intake is either connected to the public underground water supply piping, or a static water source (e.g., tank, reservoir, lake). The pump provides water flow at a higher pressure to the sprinkler system risers and hose standpipes. Fire pumps are tested and listed for use specifically for fire service by a third-party testing and listing agency, such as UL or FM Global; in North America the main code that governs fire pump installations is the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection.

Fire pump system upgraded and installed by CAC Industrial within a hospital


CAC Industrial Equipment understands the critical functioning of your fire pump system. We design pump package systems that fit your unique needs and space requirements. For the protection of life and property, Xylem’s A-C Fire Pumps meet every fire protection need, ensuring compliance with NFPA, UL and FM requirements.

The 9100 series Fire Pump is designed to provide water to stand pipe, sprinkler, chemical mitigation and hydrant systems for fire suppression in industrial and commercial facilities.

The Vertical In-Line pump is designed for commercial, industrial and institutional applications with a compact self-contained design that ensures easy installation and a wide range of sizes for multi-purpose use. The system is designed for easy maintenance and CAC Industrial Equipment will handle all servicing required. This is an ideal pump for retrofit applications, especially where space is a concern.

Upgraded Fire Pump system along with rebuilt Jockey pumps.


Any UL, FM or NFPA Fire Pump can be designed and serviced by CAC Industrial Equipment. Call us to discuss your needs.